Wednesday, July 3


Every now and then, for no visible reason at all, you or your partner could lose interest in sex. As the relationship progresses, the libido of both partners start to change over time. And in most cases, the change is not really similar. One partner may start to lose interest in sex, while the other partner may want more sex. The reasons could be many as long.

If you and your partner share very different lifestyles, and if one of you meet and interact with a lot of people, while the other partner is more of a quiet loner, there’s a huge chance that both your libidos are going to start changing with time. And the worst part, it will change in opposite directions.

The partner that interacts with very few people will start to lose their libido, while the partner who interacts with a lot of people and meets new friends often will retain their libido, or even see a surge in their sexual energy.

Here are some reasons why a partner may not be interested in having sex.

1. TOO TIRED FOR SEX: Your partner and you may be sexually attracted to each other. But at times, work pressure and stress at work can make one of you distracted and lose interest in sex. Or even if you have sex, you may not really enjoy it enough, or you may end up not performing to your best which can lead to more frustrations. This is especially true for men because a lot depends on how hard he can be. If he finds his little buddy bowing down in shame halfway through the deed, he will start to avoid sex as much as he possibly can.

SOLUTION: When you are going through this phase, avoid sex for a few weeks, and just focus on foreplay. Make it clear that both of you are not going to have sex for a couple of weeks. Do not set a precise deadline. That can be even more stressful. Just cuddle and kiss, and spend a lot of time together in the bathtub or in bed, just warming each other up. Soon enough, the humble little guy would be upright and waiting for a standing ovation.

2. TOO BUSY WITH SOMETHING ELSE: One of you loves going for evening walks or spending hours on watching TV. Sometimes, even watching a few great shows on the television back to back every night can lead to boring sex lives. You could be having so much fun watching a movie every night that both of you might just give up on sex. If you are experiencing this, it does not mean you are not sexually excited by each other. It is just that you have decided to give up on together time. And when you start doing this for a couple of weeks, it would go on the same way forever. We love routine, and it is pretty hard to change something once we get comfortable with it.

SOLUTION: To make sure this does not affect your sex life in future, get into bed an hour earlier or spend at least an hour every evening cuddling up with the TV turned off once you are done with the shows. It may seem quite boring at first, but you will see what cuddle time can lead to.

3. JUST NOT INTO SEX: Yeah, for all you horny lovers out there, this sucks, but it is true. Some partners just are not into sex.

SOLUTION: Have a heart to heart talk with your partner. Sometimes, it could be a childhood trauma, hormonal imbalances or even a medical condition. In almost all cases, this is curable with a little effort.

Many people put a lot of emphasis on sex and copulation. And that can put off a partner. Sex is a lot of fun, but that does not mean foreplay can not be fun. You could just cuddle up, talk dirty, fantasize, role play, explore a few sexual fetishes, or do just about anything else and stop putting the focus on sex. If your partner does not even like to kiss, then well, stay away from physically touching them and just talk. Ask your partner if they like talking about it. Surely, there is bound to be something that could interest your partner.

When your partner is not interested in sex, do not get frustrated. Instead, hold hands and explore the many paths of sexual arousal. It can be exciting and fun, and somewhere along the way, Iam pretty sure your partner will like something too.

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