Wednesday, August 21


It is a lovely sensation to feel as though you are in the thoughts of someone else and that they are thinking of you, and there are many situations where letting someone know you are thinking of them can help to strengthen a friendship or a romance.

If you have been apart from your partner for a long time for example, perhaps in a long distance relationship or because one of you is in on holiday, then this can be quite upsetting for both parties and letting that person know you are thinking of them can make the whole thing seem a lot more bearable. Likewise, if you are friends with someone you have not seen for a very long time, then dropping them a line or a message of some kind to let you know you are thinking of them or to share something funny with someone is a great way to maintain contact and mean that they remember you fondly too. It will mean you are a lot less likely to drift apart and much less likely to find your next encounter incredibly awkward.

Finally, if someone is feeling very down and you know about it, then this can remind them that they have a friend and brighten up their day. It is not hard to let someone know you are thinking of them, and it need not cost anything. At the same time technology and the connectivity it allows has made it much easier to do stay in touch and to send messages in a range of different ways. Here is how how to spread the love:

1. SEND A JOKE VIA TEXT: Random jokes during the day are a great way to make people smile, and are one of the best ways to maintain a bit of banter with a friend who does not live locally and who you rarely see. When you get a joke, think of all the people that might appreciate that particular ditty and then forwards it on.

2. SEND A PICTURE MESSAGE: If you have a close relationship with someone then it is nice to be able to share things with them. If you see a funny sight then, take a photo and send the message on your phone to make them smile. This is also very appropriate for people who have particular interests and likes. Send the picture with the note 'saw this and thought of you' and you can be certain they will be grateful. If you have a smart phone then you should also be able to send pictures of things you find online. If you go online then and you see a cartoon or comic that you find funny, then save it and send it and this will be fun and a bit different.

3. ALERT THEM TO THINGS THEY MIGHT LIKE: One of the sweetest things you can do that will make many people smile is to let them know if there is something on TV or on the radio that they will like. Not only do they get to enjoy something that they would otherwise have missed, but they also get the pleasure of knowing you were thinking about them and knowing that you know them well enough to recommend correctly.

4. SEND SOME FLOWERS: This one is not cheap, but it is a great way to let someone know they are in your thoughts and that you care enough to spend the money and time. Choose flowers that you know they will enjoy particularly too and they will be touched that you know them so well. Do not give away that you are sending flowers as the surprise is part of what will make them so pleasant to receive.

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