Thursday, May 16


First of all congratulations on the wonderful new addition that you are about to have to your family. Children are a blessing and you will be able to enjoy their love for many years to come. The difficult part for many men is seeing their wives through to the delivery room. We have all heard stories of women turning into crazy people when they are pregnant and some of these stories are enough to make any man scared. The truth is for a women being pregnant is a wonderful and difficult experience all at the same time and this sometimes is why a wide array of emotions are displayed. Understanding some simple tips will help you get through the next nine months.

1. BE UNDERSTANDING: Your Lady is going through all of the hormonal and physical changes with her body and that it going to be very difficult for you to understand. Although you will never be able to experience the things she is going through, it is a good idea to read up on what to expect while your lady is pregnant. It will help you relate better to her if you know some of the changes that she is experiencing. This will help you have a better understanding but one good tip to remember is to never tell your wife that you understand what she is going through. Once you know what she is dealing with, it should be easier for you to be more understanding of her new quirky traits. You may need to realize that some of the things you used to do will no longer be practical for her. If she is experience morning sickness, you will quickly learn that this sickness is not just seen in the morning and it may prevent her from wanting to go out as much. Learn to live with her limits and trust her instinct.

2. LEARN TO LET THINGS GO: There is one very important thing to understand when your Lady is pregnant and that is that she may change her mind and mood instantly. It may leave you wondering what just happened and what did you do. You are going to have to learn to just let it go and live with this. The body of your lady is changing and her hormones are running like crazy. She wants to keep doing the things that she used to do but her body may be telling her something else. She also may start to snap at you, especially during the last few months. She still loves you but is more than likely becoming increasingly frustrated about the many different things that she is now unable to do. Since you are the closest person in her life, you will tend to get the brunt of her frustration. You will need to grow thick skin for the next nine months and learn to just let a lot of it go.

3. MAKE HER FEEL SPECIAL: As the body of your lady begins to change, so will how she sees herself. This will make her feel insecure about herself, particularly her body and how she looks. You can counter this by making her feel good about herself and how she looks. Try to remind her how beautiful she looks as her extra weight is normal. Women get a glow about them when they are pregnant, so it is likely that you will find your lady even more attractive now that she is pregnant. You should tell her this and tell her often because she will need all the help to build up her self-esteem that she can have. In simple terms, just love her and let her know that she is loved.

4. HELP AROUND THE HOUSE: When your lady becomes pregnant her body will start making the necessary changes that are needed to support carrying a baby. This will make her extremely tired, especially during the first and third trimester. With this in mind, she will simply not be able to do as much as she used to do. This means that the housework that used to be her responsibility to do will not get done because she will not have the energy left to do it.

First, you need to be understanding of this and not expect things to be as tidy as they once were. This also means that you will have to pick up the workload that she is now too tired to do. This could include shopping, cooking, cleaning or anything else that you see that needs to be done. She will certainly appreciate all that you do and it will help her pregnancy go a lot better and keep her stress level down.

5. KEEP ROMANCE ALIVE: Many men assume that since their lady is pregnant that she will no longer be interested in sex. Well men, think again. For some women being pregnant actually increases their sex drive due to the hormone levels in their body. For other women, being pregnant takes a lot of their energy from them and they may not want sex as often. Either way it is important to keep the romance alive in your marriage the entire nine months.

You Lady will want to be able to feel that she is still sexy and desirable and you are the only one who can provide that for her. You should plan special dates and times that you set aside just for the two of you. This will be good for the both of you and it is easier to have these special times before the baby comes than after the baby. When the baby comes and consumes all of your time, you will be glad that you took the time to plan these special days while she was pregnant.

6. APPRECIATE HER: Most of all, you should let your lady know how much you appreciate her and how glad you are that she is the mother of your child. She will be providing you with the greatest blessing of your life so let her know how much that means to you. Even on those days when she is not as pleasant as you would like, tell her you love and appreciate her. Cards and flowers are a nice touch during the pregnancy of your lady and since men are not as good with words as women are, they can represent your love and affection for her. Nine months may seems like a long time but it will go faster than you think, just stay calm and show her love and respect.

Remember, Some women start to feel overwhelmed with the responsibility of being a mother while she is pregnant while men do not usually get this feeling until after the baby is born. Encourage her as much as you can and let her know that she will be a good mom. Help her when planning things for the baby like setting up the nursery, picking a doctor, or going to the doctor with her. Letting her know that you are in this together may help ease some of her stress.


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