Tuesday, June 4


We all want to be attractive, and particularly we all want to be attractive to the opposite sex. It is an endless plight then of course for men to be attractive to women, though often we find ourselves simply baffled about what it is that women like.

The reason for this is that women seemingly have far more varied tastes when it comes to what they want in their men. While most men will agree on a woman who is hot, women are more likely to disagree and they rate different aspects highly dependent on personal preference.

The good news is that although women are very much in disagreement on what the perfect man should look like, there are some universally appreciated traits nonetheless which men can ensure they have on their list of qualities if they want to make a good impression and improve their chances of impressing the ladies.

1. HEIGHT: Women go for tall men almost universally and this is widely considered attractive. Now you might be thinking if you are short that this is an unfortunately futile thing to try to change, however although you can not make yourself taller as such, you can fortunately make yourself appear taller in a number of ways. One of the most effective of these is to use insoles for your shoes that include a heal which will give you an extra boost of up to 4 inches in some cases, or to buy shoes that have a large heal in built. This also forces you into a good posture and puffs your chest out just as women in high heels tend to have a slightly sexier walk.

2. SENSE OF HUMOR: Sense of humor is a blessing for all those men who are not tall, dark or handsome as it allows them to try a different approach. If you can get a woman laughing and enjoying herself then this is a very quick way to impress. A lot of men recommend going for the kind of scathing witty banter that gets humor from teasing her as this makes her feel like you are paying her special attention while at the same time showing her that you are not intimidated by her looks.

3. STRENGTH: If you have visible muscle then it is attractive to women for a number of reasons. Firstly it tells her that you can protect her (in theory), secondly it tells her that you are good genetic material and can have healthy children and thirdly it makes you fill out your clothes better and emphasizes your positive features. You may have been born short, but you do not have to remain skinny so get in the gym and start eating some protein shake.

4. WEALTH: It sounds shallow but then really it is no more shallow than a lot of other items on this list. If you show wealth then on an unconscious level it tells women that you have the resources to look after both them and your potential future children as well as showing you to be intelligent and driven yourself which bodes well for a positive future.

5. STYLE: Women are generally highly impressed by a good dress sense and particularly because it is something that very few guys exhibit. Take the time out to read about fashion, to match your clothes to any accessories and generally to take time over your appearance and most women will be impressed. However make sure to do it in what seems like an effortless way. You do not want to come across as the guy who spends more time on his appearance than his date does.

6. INTELLIGENCE: Just as a woman can be blown away by a guy with a cracking sense of humor, so can she be swept up by his intelligence and by his outlook on the world. Intelligence just like strength is a genetic trait that a woman will want to pass on to her children, but on a more conscious level it also suggests interesting evenings chatting by the fire instead of sitting silently and staring at the TV.

7. KINDNESS: They say that women go for 'bad boys', but this is only because they genuinely believe that these bad boys have hearts of gold deep down and that they can be the ones to bring them out. Once they get over this phase and realize that you can not change someone and that bad boys do not offer any long term security, it is the nice guys who simply smile and make them feel good about themselves that they are going to find themselves attracted to you. Making someone like you by being a genuinely top guy is the first step to making them fancy you.

8. GROOMING: Grooming like style is an important trait that many men forget. This incorporates acts like filing your nails, clearing out your ears, trimming nose hairs etc. This is a good activity because it shows that you are able to take care of yourself (thus suggesting you can take care of a woman) and that you are self aware. It also means that your looks are not ruined by a long hair hanging out your nose.

9. GOOD WITH KIDS: Most women go weak at the knees when they see a guy playing with children and getting along with them. It is an undeniably attractive quality in a man for many women.

10. CONFIDENCE: This should probably be number one on any list of attractive male traits. Confidence is a very powerful way to make a woman more impressed with a man as it suggests that he must possess a range of the other traits listed above in order for him to be so confident. If you come across as confident it suggests that you have faith in yourself and this gives any potential women much more reason to have faith in you. It is almost like you know something they do not. This also makes you more charming and more impressive at introducing yourself to friends and family and this makes you the kind of guy that she can be proud to introduce. It also makes you more likely to do the talking and to ask the girl out which means you not only attract more women, but also get more numbers.


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