Tuesday, July 16


SIGNS OF STD IN MEN by John Karani
Suspecting you have an STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease, also sometimes known as an STI or Sexually Transmitted Infection) might be one of the most stressful things that a man can experience. STD s are not only unpleasant on their own, and can in many cases be very serious, but at the same time they can also be highly embarrassing, result in your having to call up past partners to explain, and potentially hinder your sex life indefinitely. Like any condition, the sooner you spot the symptoms of an STD, the sooner you can deal with them, and it's also very important for others that you find out early on about any possible infections that might be contagious or which you might already have transferred.

While different STD s all behave differently, there are definitely some commonalities which can act as warning flags. Here are some of the common symptoms of STD s which are prevalent across several different conditions.

1. ITCHING: Itching is a common sign of STD s such as genital warts, herpes or crabs. This will be localized around the scrotum and penis and will often be coupled with general discomfort.

2. WARTS/PIMPLES/BLISTERS: Again these will often be localized to the area of contact but might also occur elsewhere on the body. They might be acute or chronic and in some cases, such as herpes,they can seemingly disappear and reoccur when you become run down from tiredness or other illnesses.

3. RASHES: Rashes are common for a number of STD s and these can be localized to the point of contact (usually the genitals) or can cover the entire body or other areas such as the back, palms or feet (you may experience rashes elsewhere if you have syphilis, or aids).

4. PAIN DURING SEX: Pain during sex is another common sign of a range of STD s and can alert you to a painful rash too.

5. GENERAL ILLNESS AND TIREDNESS: Many STD s will cause you to be generally run down, and particularly if they affect your immune system such as HIV. You might find that you get lots of colds in the case of HIV and are generally plagued with illness. Otherwise even seemingly localized STD s can cause you to experience tiredness and nausea as your immune system tries to fight off the infection.

6. DIFFICULTIES URINATING: If you find that it hurts to urinate, that it takes longer than normal, or that you have blood in your urine, then any of these things can point to a range of STD s. This might be a sign of gonorrhea for instance.

7. PUSS/DISCHARGE: If you get discharge from your penis then this can be a sign of STD s such as gonorrhea. It is certainly worth seeing a physician if you get discharge of any sort.

There are many other symptoms of STD s that are unique to the particular condition.For instance if you have syphilis then you are likely to experience hair loss and facial swelling. However the above symptoms can alert you to the potential existence of most STD s at which point you can start to assess other symptoms. It is also worth noting of course that none of these symptoms necessarily are caused by STD s at all and something like a rash on your groin could be caused by sweat or allergy while something like difficulties urine could be the result of an enlarged prostate.

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