Tuesday, July 16


If you are not having much luck with the ladies, and find yourself asking, "What do women WANT?", you might learn a lesson or two here. Here are some thoughts on what women do want from men, and what they really could do without, in the dating world.

1. FASHION WITHOUT THE VICTIM: Women like a man to be well presented, no arguments there. However, so many men take fashion to extremes, either by interpreting ‘smart casual’ too literally and looking like they have just stepped off a farm, or by piling on so many designer garments that it looks like Giorgio Armani has just thrown up on them. Please, guys, just keep it nice and neutral, and remember when it comes to aftershave and hair gel,less is more.

2. CONFIDENCE NOT ARROGANCE: Being secure with yourself is great, and a successful job, nice house and impressive flat screen is sure to attract some ladies. However, there is a tipping point where talking about your achievements becomes bragging, and being proud of yourself turns into arrogance. On a date, a woman wants to know about you as a person, not how much your car cost. If you boast about your material successes too much, do not be surprised when the nice women stay away, and only gold diggers come calling.

3. EXERCISING EARS AS WELL AS MOUTH: Women may be renowned for talking more than men, but women are also renowned for encouraging others to talk. Sadly, many men interpret this as a cue to talk for 30 minutes about the promotion he got in the office. They also forget the simple notion that it is polite to ask the other person some questions, too. When getting to know a woman, remember to give and take. Ask questions, listen properly, and remember what she tells you. Bringing along her favorite wine, five dates down the line, will show that you were exercising those ears on date number one.

4. GENEROSITY WITHOUT PRESUMPTION: The world is an expensive place, and we all love it when someone else offers to pay, right? Some women may be old fashioned and expect the gentleman to pick up the cheque, but give a lady a chance to set her terms. Some women may want to pay their half, or even treat you. Never assume that women will not pay their way. Only be generous for the sake of generosity. No woman wants to feel like a guy is trying to ‘buy’ her.

5. LIGHTLY HUMOROUS VS CRASHINGLY OFFENSIVE: You may wonder why women always seem to want a guy with a Humor. Women love funny, right? Yes but choose your humor and your moments carefully. The amount of men who seem to think telling sexist jokes is somehow going to endear women to them is mind boggling. Try and also keep humor on the sophisticated side. Women often complain that men behave immaturely, so toilet humor is best kept between you and your male friends.

The dating world will always be a tough playing field, but by avoiding these basic mistakes you may just find that your Luck suddenly goes up, and women will start coming back for that all important second date.

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