Friday, January 10



Men are pretty simple creatures, really. If a woman is attractive, we want to meet her. If she turns out to be interesting, intelligent or funny, we want to get to know her better. Women, by contrast, are a little more complicated. They often have a big list of prioritised criteria that they use to determine whether or not a guy is datable. Here is the FIVE top things Ladies look for in a lady:

1. INDEPENDENT: Women want to know that a man can take care of himself. They want a guy who is capable and independent, able to make his own decisions. Despite what you might think, no woman wants to be your mother (besides, of course, your mother), Women want is to know that you are capable of carrying your own weight in a relationship.

2. LOOKS: Despite their good nature, women care about looks too (if not quite as much as men do). Thus, it wouldn’t hurt to at least try and minimize the degree to which you remind them of a monkey. Women aren’t asking for much. Try to keep yourself well-groomed. Wear clothes that fit, and at least make an effort to keep yourself in shape.

3. BEING POSITIVE: Cynicism and sarcasm have their place, but nobody wants to be with someone who is sarcastic and cynical all of the time. It’s exhausting. By contrast, being in the presence of someone with a positive outlook on life can actually be energizing. An optimistic person makes others feel good; his optimism can be contagious, even inspiring.

4. KNOWING WHEN TO LISTEN AND TALK: Women place a priority on guys they can talk to, who can express themselves and who are at least willing to listen to them when they talk about their concerns, hopes and desires. The greatest gift is the ability to be attentive. Sometimes, all a woman needs you to do is listen. If you can show a woman you have the capacity to pay attention to her, it will radically improve your chances.

5. INTELLIGENCE: Many women find being intelligent as sexy as physical appearance. Avoid running your mouth on subjects you know nothing about. Better to be suspected a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

6. PASSION: If a woman is thinking about spending any time with you, she’d like to know that she can look forward to adventure, excitement, commitment, devotion, and great sex. Thus, if a guy wants to be wanted, he has to show a woman he’s passionate. Women love to see that you’re passionate, because in their minds passion in one sphere of life that can be transferred into another sphere of life, namely the bedroom.

7. CONFIDENCE: Confidence is the one thing women consistently say they want in a man. Confidence is king. That means even if you can’t categorise yourself as “the total package,” as long as you feel good about what you have to offer, and as long as you’re comfortable with yourself, you have a shot.


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