Tuesday, February 25


So you finally got the number of that lady you’ve been chasing for a while and now another challenge looms. How do you text her in a way that she’ll see you as really cool? Whether it’s through WhatsApp or normal SMS texting, the first few texts are very crucial. They can determine the kind of relationship the two f you will have. They can determine whether you’ll have her n your bed the next weekend, whether you’ll have a long lasting relationship, whether you’ll be ruled out or whether you’ll be put on the friend’s list.   Here are a few tips on how to go about texting a lady you like.

1.      Go ahead and text her….don’t hesitate

Don’t overthink it. You’ll get tensed hence end up saying stupid things, When a lady gives you her number, she wants you to communicate, so do so. Say whatever is on your mind but avoid irrelevant things or common questions like, “What you upto?”

Make sure you keep your text message short, sweet and structured in a query way. By query way I mean that it should not really be a question but it should be put in a way that she’s obligated to respond. Some ladies hate being asked too many questions, especially by guys they don’t know so well. So avoid multiple questions. A simple text won’t just let her know that you are thinking about her and her well-being, it will make her fond of you.

2.      Make her miss you

Don’t be that guy who tests all the time….you’ll become a boring puppy and a nuisance. After the two of you have been texting or WhatsApping each other for a while, go MIA. Stop replying to all her messages or take time before you reply. If she’s a little angry when you get back to her, apologize and tell her about something cool you had to do. Her anger will soften into soft admiration. And you know what they say, there’s no better way to woo a lady than to give her mixed emotions..

3.      Employ emotions

Tell her about something crazy or sad that just happened to you but you were able to handle it. She will sympathise with you and feel some sort of emotions gearing towards you. Do not tell her about something you were unable to handle because she might see you as weak or in desperate need of help. And ladies don’t like guys who come with loads of problems..

4.      Timing is key

Know the appropriate times to text her depending on what she does for a living or depending on the kind of person she is. Texting her when she’s busy will only make her more disinterested. If you are dealing with a busy lady, evenings are the best times to text. Evenings are usually the times when single ladies desire affection the most. Tell her sweet things that she can fantasize about. Make her laugh, then don’t text again until the following evening. Not unless she misses you and decides to text sooner.

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